John James (R) and Debbie Stabenow (D) On Health Care
Candidates for U.S. Senate Michigan
Debbie Stabenow and John James
John James is very weak on health care proposals and offers nothing on health care that would make me want to vote for him. He appears to be an attractive candidate, speaks well, and has a very good personal record, but I want to know where he stands on the issues. I went to the issues section of his web site. Mr. James lists the common issues for this election, but unfortunately provides very skimpy details on all issues including health care. Debbie Stabenow's web site lists about the same number of issues, but gives much more detail concerning where she stands on the issues including health care.
In four lines on health care James takes a poke at Stabenow, states we must find cost effective medical solutions, focus on prevention, and allow health care choices. That is it. No further details. The usual Republican rhetoric, absent the bashing of Obamacare.
I am going to suggest that James has to take some initiative on Health Care if he wants to aid his cause because the polls correctly indicate that he is way behind Stabenow. James should address the number one disparity in health care. That is the discrimination that those who self pay their health insurance premiums with after tax dollars face compared to those who have tax free employer provided health care. The discrimination is huge these days because of the high cost of health insurance. James should state loud and clear that health insurance premiums paid with after tax dollars can be fully subtracted from gross income before federal income taxes are calculated. James has to show that he can fight for economic justice.
James was probably an excellent Apache pilot who fired the best ammunition. Now his ammunition is basically ineffective when he fires at Stabenow. I hope that he realizes that he has to change tactics and that he reloads with what I suggested in this article. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain. The self pay will take notice.